Squash and Gourd Tunnels That Will Simply Amaze You by Grow Something Green – Hyperbole aside, I had no idea gourd tunnels were even a thing, let alone something I feel I now need or my life will never be complete. Yet here we are.
Kafka’s Jokebook by John McNamee [short list] – very clever, this site is awesome. I was originally drawn to Nihilistic Password Security Questions by Soheil Rezayazdi. Just my kind of smugly superior and self-loathing humour.
1000+ Coffees by Matt Kulesza [blog] – An interesting project by a guy in Melbourne who is going through his Facebook friends and have a coffee with each one of them. The whole project is a meta-commentary and about friendships and relationships, and also just a lovely reminder that everyone is interesting in their own unique ways.
Why Academics Love ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ by Katherine Schwab, The Atlantic (via SBS) [1053 words] – while I’m disappointed how Riley-centric this image is (copied from the website), I’m chuffed that this article is still being written a decade later. Whatta show! <3 x
Every Moon Photo Shot by Apollo Astronauts is Now on Flickr by Michael Zhang, PetaPixel [link & gallery list] – Cool. Self explanatory. Space, man.
Send in the Clones by Erika Hall, Medium – Some amusing shade throwing at one my pet hates in contemporary web design – the big, unnecessary splash page. I particularly enjoy the semiotic takedown of coffee and orange juice.
Why ISIS Fights – by Martin Chulov, The Guardian Audio Long Read [28:13 podcast] Upsetting – how can it not be with the subject, but fascinating insight, and incredible journalism. The Guardian’s Longreads (and audio versions) are really well done.
Record Holder Profile Video: Joel Ekman’s record speed run of Zelda Ocarina of time by By Rachel Swatman, Guinness World Records [3 minute video] – this guy is the coolest, and dorkiest dude I’ve ever seen. He looks and sounds like a really nice, incredibly awkward Bond villain, and it’s kind of adorable. The photo set is hilarious!
12 Disney Princesses As Lukewarm Bowls Of Water by Dannnnnnnnnnnny, BuzzFeed – I thought the reinterpreted Disney princess well had run dry, and yet here this is, making me guffaw (if I had been eating cereal I would have spat it out.)
The Mother of All Questions by Rebecca Solnit, Harper’s Magazine [2575 word article] – A wonderfully thoughtful article that begins by addressing the kids question (‘why don’t you have them?’) but ties it in to a broader reflection on different kinds of love, values, and contributing to the world.