Kafka’s Jokebook by John McNamee [short list] – very clever, this site is awesome. I was originally drawn to Nihilistic Password Security Questions by Soheil Rezayazdi. Just my kind of smugly superior and self-loathing humour.
1000+ Coffees by Matt Kulesza [blog] – An interesting project by a guy in Melbourne who is going through his Facebook friends and have a coffee with each one of them. The whole project is a meta-commentary and about friendships and relationships, and also just a lovely reminder that everyone is interesting in their own unique ways.
Why Academics Love ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ by Katherine Schwab, The Atlantic (via SBS) [1053 words] – while I’m disappointed how Riley-centric this image is (copied from the website), I’m chuffed that this article is still being written a decade later. Whatta show! <3 x
Send in the Clones
by Erika Hall, Medium
– Some amusing shade throwing at one my pet hates in contemporary web design – the big, unnecessary splash page. I particularly enjoy the semiotic takedown of coffee and orange juice.
Why ISIS Fights – by Martin Chulov, The Guardian Audio Long Read [28:13 podcast] Upsetting – how can it not be with the subject, but fascinating insight, and incredible journalism. The Guardian’s Longreads (and audio versions) are really well done.
12 Disney Princesses As Lukewarm Bowls Of Water by Dannnnnnnnnnnny, BuzzFeed – I thought the reinterpreted Disney princess well had run dry, and yet here this is, making me guffaw (if I had been eating cereal I would have spat it out.)
The Mother of All Questions
by Rebecca Solnit, Harper’s Magazine [2575 word article] – A wonderfully thoughtful article that begins by addressing the kids question (‘why don’t you have them?’) but ties it in to a broader reflection on different kinds of love, values, and contributing to the world.